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Fashion has always been it for me.

My mom says it took me hours to dress as a child, even though we lived in the rural mountains of Guatemala, far from the influence of fashion. We didn’t have a lot growing up, I learned to sew out of necessity. One of my favorite outfits in ninth grade was a shirt I made from an old nightgown and a three-tier skirt from some leftover Guatemalan fabric. It was modern, it was classic, a little edgy, and a little boho…it was the beginning of Llewellyn. 

You could say I reverse-engineered my way into design by way of sewing.  I mostly played with fabric, prototyping and capturing new shapes in real-time. I’ve always been inspired by how materials drape, how they complement a figure, and the subtext of each one. Exploring the way a color captures light, the weight and texture of cloth, and how designs come to life with daily movement is how I create.

I continue to be inspired by creating beauty and helping women shine in timeless, easy-to-wear pieces that effortlessly toe the line between foundational and unique.

xx, H